View TODL Balance in MetaMask

This page outlines how to view your TODL balance in MetaMask.

Please ensure you're interacting with the official Cryptoodles smart contracts by only using smart contract links provided by Cryptoodles and no one else.

Not double checking the smart contract address may result in being phished and loss of funds.

Official TODL Smart Contract

Smart Contract Address (Ethereum Mainnet): 

Smart Contract Etherscan (Ethereum Mainnet):

Smart Contract Address (Polygon Network):

Smart Contract PolygonScan (Polygon Network):

To View $TODL In MetaMask Wallet (Ethereum)

  1. To view $TODL in your Polygon wallet, follow the same steps but use the following token address when importing the token: 0xec97734ed00d65d05d10316d1641c09d1daab96f

Last updated